
Strange Days Indeed

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Should kids be learning on screens?

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Why are video games addictive?

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Can you go back to a dumbphone?

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We need to Disconnect to really Connect

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Why teaching kids coding is a waste of time and money

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Smartphones at school

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An alternative to screens in the car that we can all enjoy

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Smart Phones are making us dumb!

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Teens are addicted to smart phones

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May 14, 2020
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

The Education Revolution: I wish they would just stop already!

The education revolution is being widely talked about. We can’t go back to the old broken system now that we have gone online. Teachers need to […]
April 1, 2020
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Strange Days Indeed

I don't know when this is going to end. I hope it's sooner than later, but I suspect it is probably later rather than sooner. We need to look after ourselves and our loved ones. We need to remember what's most important: and that is always connection to each other.
August 27, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Should kids be learning on screens?

There has been a big push in recent years to increase the availability of computers and tablets in schools. Now many primary schools in Australia are introducing ‘bring your own device’ policies for younger and younger kids.
October 29, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Why are video games addictive?

Quite simply they are designed to be addictive. There are literally millions of different games available. Video game designers have to make their game popular. Popularity occurs when players return to play on a regular basis. Designers achieve this by making their game challenging enough that very few people get to the finish. They also ensuring that there are incentives or wins along the way. We call this intermittent reinforcement. It fires up the pleasure areas of our brains and is a great way to ensure a person wants to return. This is the same type of reinforcement that makes gambling so addictive.
September 9, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Can you go back to a dumbphone?

Why should you consider switching to a dumbphone. You will have more time, be more efficient and more productive. I would recommend it because you will be less stressed, happier and more attentive to those around you.
September 25, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

We need to Disconnect to really Connect

Have you ever thought what it says when you place a phone down on a table or desk? It clearly says, “I’m not 100% at this meeting, gathering, dinner, lunch …… ".
September 2, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Why teaching kids coding is a waste of time and money

There has been a big push in recent years to increase the availability of computers and tablets in schools. Now many primary schools in Australia are introducing ‘bring your own device’ policies for younger and younger kids.
December 9, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

Smartphones at school

Many private schools in NSW are now banning smartphones during school hours and all the feedback I have heard is extremely positive. Schools should be about learning and anything that hinders learning should be restricted.
August 8, 2019
Dr Mark Williams Neuroscience Professor Author Speaker Facilitator

An alternative to screens in the car that we can all enjoy

I was chatting with a parent at school pick-up the other day. She told me that she really enjoyed my presentation on ‘screen time for kids’. She felt as though she now understood the real issues. Then she said that she was feeling really guilty. She still allowed her kids to watch seven hours of DVDs on a recent car trip to Queensland. She explained that there was no way her kids would sit quietly in the car for more than 15min without a DVD to watch.